EHA-AMUFU is a community in ISI-UZO Local Government Area of Enugu State South East Nigeria, consisting of eight (8) autonomous villages namely; UMUHU, MGBUJI, IHENYI, AMEDE, ABOR, AGU-AMEDE, ISU, UMUJIOVU. The Community depends solely on water from Ebe Stream for their daily use- drinking, cooking and washing etc. and their major occupation is farming.

Let us look into the case ofAGU-AMEDE

AGU-AMEDE: The people of Agu-Amede lives at the mercy of Herdsmen who kills residents and destroys their farmlands.

When the rain ceased, they depend heavily on the dried up streams that litter the community which also depends on constant rainfall for effective flow.

Down the steep of a drying up stream in Ugwu Oduma village, 16-year-old Chidera Anaku scoops brown-colour water into a black bucket from a shallow well she dug with her hands. Her sister who is nine transfers the scooped water from the bucket into a yellow gallon of about 25 liters.

They repeat the process till they fill the other five gallons they came with. From there, they ferry the gallons home where they will keep the water for the impurities to settle down before usage.

Surprisingly, that is how her family of seven and other families in the six villages that make up Agu-Amede community source water for domestic use.

Chidera who is currently in Senior Secondary School is planning to leave the community to wherever she could find a better life after she seats for the annual Senior Secondary Certificate Examination next year. She says finding water to bath is a problem in the community and the situation seems not have an end in sight.

Residents of the villages are mainly farmers who produce garri, yam, palm oil and other farm produce they could lay their hands on which they sell at Nkwo Agu-Amede to buyers from far and near.

The land is notoriously fertile, with locals saying it has a high water retaining capacity which makes farming during dry season most ideal. Families live on farm estates they inherited from their forebears, making them vulnerable to attacks and killings by Fulani herders. Aside the killings by herders, diseases that are waterborne are prevalent in the community and are major causes of death.

Locals say water for domestic use has been a problem in the community for decades but they have always relied on early rainfall for survival. There is no electricity and there has never been a borehole sunk to solve their water problem. Government, they say, only remembers them during elections

Worst still, basic education in the community is also a problem. Teachers posted to government schools dread residing in the community due to its rough roads, lack of water and poor mobile network penetration. Report have it that headmaster of the only government primary school in the community comes to the school once in two months. Locals say despite their cries to government, issues concerning them are relegated and they have since adapted to their isolated world.

In Agu-Amede, herders are kings, chasing farmers away from a certain part of the community where they rule with their cows.

ỌgwụIkeala, a 63-year-old farmer said he and his family deserted their farm when killings by herders spiked last year. Herders attack on other communities like Mgbuji in the same Eha-Amufu has become regular in the last five years. More than two hundred persons have been killed by herdsmen in Eha-Amufu in the last two years, according to a government source.

“It has led to a drop in agriculture produce and most farmers and families are leaving for the townships,” he added. Mgbuji like other communities in Eha-Amufu shares border with Benue State.

According to Ikeala, they were living in peace with the herders who came into the community from the Benue border until the killings started last year. Countering the attacks, he said, is hard since the herders are armed with AK-47 rifles while they have none.

He said herders ambush residents in their farms and kill them, uproot the cassava and yam they planted and feed to their cows.

Agreeing with Ikeala, Okede who said he doesn’t know when he was born as his parents did not inform him of the actual date, explained that most families have left the farm settlement due to the killings and abduction by herders.

He said women taking food to their husbands, sons, fathers and brothers in the farm were regularly abducted by herders and raped. Those who are lucky, are left alive to live with the trauma.

Okede said government representatives came to the community when the last killing occurred but didn’t chase the herders occupying their farms away.

With no motorable roads, residents depend heavily on motorcycles and bicycles for their transportation. Those who are well to do buy tricycles on hire purchase. Access to mobile phones is poor since there is no phone network in the community. However, marks of tires of trucks that come to the community for logging activities could be seen from the narrow path that leads to villages near the Benue border. Residents say the loggers come from different towns to cut down specific types of trees.

At Ikpakpara village, Obiọma and other women could be seen in groups peeling off the barks of harvested cassava. She says residents of the community are suffering from water scarcity and other basic amenities. She explained that having daily baths have become a problem since they have to save water from other domestic use but hopes that something urgent could be done.

Adaugo, a member of the women’s group say they only depend on the dried up streams for the water used in washing the peeled cassava but each day they process cassava, they’ll likely have less water to do other things such as having their baths.

However, there are other sources of water apart from the dried up streams. 14-year-old Ekene and friends provide drinking water to residents rich enough to pay by traveling five kilometers on their tricycle to Ikem to source for water. His tricycle carries 30 gallons of water which they sell N200 per 25 liters. But on this particular day, business had been slow following the breakdown of their tricycle. He says full load costs between N6000 to N8000 depending on the distance of the village; the same amount it costs to fill 5000 liters tank in the townships.

He said he could only make two to three trips daily due to the nature of the road and demand from clients. The road, he says causes constant breakdown of his tricycle, and to make gain, he has to increase cost. He also plans to leave the community when he is old enough.

A Priest in charge of the only Catholic Church in the community, Reverend Father OkwesiliOnyekachi tells Sahara Reporters that the situation in the community is critical.

Lamenting the horrible situation the people of the community are facing daily, Fr Onyekachi said herders also attacked the Parish house during their last invasion. As a priest, there is nothing much he could do except pleading with well-to-do individuals for help, he said.

He said he doesn’t know the exact number of people who have been killed by herders but noted that they are many.

The Parish has also set up a school to bridge the educational gap in the community. It also supports the only clinic in the community.

However, the priest said managing the clinic is taking huge financial burden on the Parish’s coffers since most residents of the community are not rich enough to offset their individual medical bills.

The people are faced with the following problems:

  • Insecurity
  • Hunger
  • Lack of good water
  • Lack of motorable roads
  • Lack of good Education facility
  • Lack health facility

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